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New Video: Product Spotlight – Blowhard Misting Ring

Product Spotlight: Blowhard Misting Ring Video

Heat stress has been shown to be a leading factor cause of injury during fire suppression.

With this in mind, Blowhard have created a tool to assist in active cooling – the Blowhard Misting Ring.

The Misting Ring transforms your Blowhard fan into an effective recovery tool that assists in combating heat stress.

The Blowhard Misting Ring fits quickly to the front of Blowhard Fans. When attached to a regular, domestic hose, the Misting Ring creates a super fine “mist” which aids in firefighter recovery by helping to lower the core body temperature after training or an incident.

Watch the misting ring in action in our latest video:

Need more information? Read more about the Blowhard Misting Ring and Blowhard Fan.

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We are PAC+CARE.

We are PAC+CARE. Specialised PPE/C Managed Services.

“A growing focus on firefighter health and well-being has shone a spotlight on the importance of regular cleaning of PPE/C. Accumulated soiling can reduce thermal and electrical insulation resulting in the PPE/C becoming flammable while contaminants and particulates on PPE/C also negatively impact firefighter health.”

We are PAC+CARE. Specialised PPE/C Managed Services.Australian federal and territory legislation requires fire and emergency services to safeguard the health and safety of their employees at work.

In a continuing commitment to protecting responder health and well being while ensuring longevity of PPE/C, Pac Fire is proud to introduce PAC+CARE. PAC+CARE is a flexible managed service which utilises the latest in laundering technology and includes a state of the art filtration system. Thus ensuring potentially damaging contaminants removed from clothing and equipment whilst protecting the environment.


EFFECTIVE CLEANING During fires, PPE/C can become contaminated with a wide range of chemical, biological and particulate contaminants that are hazardous. If not removed properly, these contaminants could significantly affect personal protection and the PPE/C’s longevity but more importantly, have adverse effects on firefighter health.

At PAC+CARE we target the most prevalent and persistent contaminants in firefighter protective wear, combat these with best practice methodology, state of the art washing and drying technology while utilising the latest chemical inactivation. This yields a significant reduction in contaminant load, mitigating the effects of exposure to firefighters and ensures Service’s PPE/C has a prolonged operational life.

VALIDATING OUR CLEANING PAC+CARE commissions NATA accredited laboratories to assess the efficiency of their laundering process.

This is achieved by sampling test fabric soiled with predetermined contaminants under laboratory conditions and benchmarking these results against a clearly defined performance criteria. Services can be assured that PAC+CARE’s cleaning process is independently verified and certified as being of the highest quality and is continuously being confirmed by internationally recognised organisations.

LAUNDRY FILTRATION SYSTEM PAC+CARE’s filtration system is designed to ensure that contaminants removed from clothing and equipment do not end up in precious water ways. PAC+CARE’s state of the art filtration system treats water to industry-best standard by removing contaminants associated with firefighting while safeguards are in place to mitigate the risk of any environmental impact caused by spill or discharge of effluent. This is all backed by PAC+CARE’s comprehensive testing regime which ensures the filtration systems effectiveness.

BEST PRACTICE INSPECTION Early identification of damage to protective clothing and equipment is essential to preventing degradation and identifying early warning signs that the item is unfit for purpose.

Stay up to date with all the news at Pac Fire? Head over to our Facebook page and hit the “Like” button for our news to show up in your daily feed. Facebook not your thing? Follow us on Linked In.

>> Visit the PAC+CARE website

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New Video: Introducing the Pac Fire Goggles

Pac Fire's new firefighting goggles have arrived

Pac Fire’s new two strap helmet goggles have landed and we’ve created this groovy video to celebrate their release.

Want to be the first to know about new products? Head over to our Facebook page and hit the “Like” button for our news to show up in your daily feed. Facebook not your thing? Subscibe to Newsflash the Pac Fire monthly newsletter here.

>> Download the product data sheet
>> View the goggles in our online store

Have 5 minutes? Head to our new YouTube channel and subscribe for more fresh content in your daily feed.

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Supercharge your response time

Blowhard Fans and Pac Fire Australia - partners for over 8 years

Pac Fire and Blowhard Fans have a long standing and prosperous relationship spanning more than 8 years.

Blowhard Fans have single handedly revolutionised the way ventilation in emergency situations is approached.

Blowhard’s BH-20 PPV fan has been designed for high pressure to effectively drive ventilation. The high velocity jet stream produced by the BH-20 assists in building pressure to effectively clear smoke from the structure.

Boasting unique design and construction, the BH-20 is lighter, smaller, incredibly durable and more powerful than other fans on the market today.

The soft start motor can be powered with both a mains outlet or Blowhard’s long lasting, Li-Ion battery pack. This feature allows the fan to be set up faster and started instantly – in some instances cutting down response time by up to 6 minutes. Weighing only 27kgs, Blowhards ergonomic design which includes a shoulder strap, allows the fan to be repositioned while still running. It’s compact design allows it to be used in difficult, hard to reach spaces while also saving valuable space on emergency response vehicles.

Supercharge your response time with the BH-20 from Blowhard.

Blowhard Fans are available throughout Australia and New Zealand from Pac Fire.

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Pac Fire Australia Newsflash: January 31st 2018

Pac Fire Australia Newsflash Archive - January 31st 2018

Catch up on the latest Pac Fire Australia Newsflash:

  • Improving Firefighter health with new CITROSQUEEZE® and SC-14 contaminant cleaners
  • The F15 Structural Firefighting helmet from Pacific Helmets New Zealand
  • A revolution in structural firefighting gloves – TitanPBI®

>> Catch up here

Not a member of Pac Fire Australia’s Newsflash? Newsflash is a once monthly electronic newsletter that helps you keep up-to-date with all the new products and news at Pac Fire. Joining is free and easy – simply use the link below to navigate to the subscription form, fill in your details and wait for your confirmation email. Haven’t received your confirmation email or looking for the latest edition of Newsflash? Remember to check your Spam or Junk folder.

>> Join Pac Fire Newsflash

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Pac Fire Australia Newsflash: December 14th 2017

Pac Fire Australia Newsflash Archive - December 14th 2017

Catch up on the latest Pac Fire Australia Newsflash:

  • Pac Fire Australia Christmas Trading Hours
  • Times running out to cash in on Pac Fire’s Christmas Sale

>> Catch up here

Not a member of Pac Fire Australia’s Newsflash? Newsflash is a once monthly electronic newsletter that helps you keep up-to-date with all the new products and news at Pac Fire. Joining is free and easy – simply use the link below to navigate to the subscription form, fill in your details and wait for your confirmation email. Haven’t received your confirmation email or looking for the latest edition of Newsflash? Remember to check your Spam or Junk folder.

>> Join Pac Fire Newsflash

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Pac Fire Australia Newsflash: December 5th 2017

Pac Fire Australia Newsflash Archive - December 5th 2017

Catch up on the latest Pac Fire Australia Newsflash:

  • The Pac Fire Christmas Catalogue

>> Catch up here

Not a member of Pac Fire Australia’s Newsflash? Newsflash is a once monthly electronic newsletter that helps you keep up-to-date with all the new products and news at Pac Fire. Joining is free and easy – simply use the link below to navigate to the subscription form, fill in your details and wait for your confirmation email. Haven’t received your confirmation email or looking for the latest edition of Newsflash? Remember to check your Spam or Junk folder.

>> Join Pac Fire Newsflash

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CITROSQUEEZE® and SC-14 now available from Pac Fire Australia

Citrosqueeze and SC-14 - new PPE Cleaning Products available from Pac Fire Australia

Dirty PPE reduces insulation, is more likely to conduct heat / electricity and can become flammable.

Proper cleaning and maintenance of protective clothing is essential in maintaining garments optimum protective performance and therefore keeping firefighters safe.

Pac Fire Australia is pleased to announce the arrival of CITROSQEEZE® PPC pre-treater and technical detergent as well as SC-14 all-purpose cleaner from SC products.

CITROSQUEEZE® is the only NFPA 1851 certified technical detergent currently available. It’s track record of thoroughly and safely cleaning over 2 million sets of garments during the last 20 years has made it the number one choice for firefighters across the globe.

CITROSQUEEZE® and SC-14 have been proven to maintain the protective quality of PPE.

Recent studies have highlighted health implications with particulate matter that collects on firefighters clothing and skin. These studies have pushed forward the idea that “clean” doesn’t necessarily mean 100% safe.

CITROSQEEZE® and SC-14 are extremely effective removers of soiling you can see – like dirt, soot, grease and grime. But these specialised products also clean away potentially harmful hydrocarbon contaminants – not visible to the naked eye.

SC-14 is sold in a convenient 946ml spray bottle fast and effective cleaning of helmets, equipment and other station surfaces. CITROSQUEEZE® is available now from Pac Fire Australia in a 946ml pre-treater spray bottle and a 3.78L jug of in wash, technical detergent.

Want to be the first to know about new products? Head over to our Facebook page and hit the “Like” button for our news to show up in your daily feed. Facebook not your thing? Subscribe to Newsflash the Pac Fire monthly newsletter here.

Further information CITROSQUEEZE: 
Buy Online: Pre-treater | Buy Online: Technical Detergent  |  Data Sheet  |  SDS
Further information SC-14:
Buy Online  |  Data Sheet  |  SDS

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We wish you a Merry Christmas….

Merry Christmas from the team at Pac Fire Australia

It’s that time of year again!

The staff at Pac Fire Australia would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers and first line responders a very merry and safe Christmas.

We’re taking a break over Christmas! Pac Fire is closing on December 22nd – don’t worry though! We reopen on Monday January 8th 2018 – fresh and ready for another exciting year.

If you have an urgent matter during our shutdown period, please call 1300 731 800 from January 2nd.